Design Thinking in MedEd
In this podcast, Dr Daniel Wolpaw & Dr Terry Wolpaw from Penn state talk about a novel concept of Design Thinking and its place in medical education.
Remifentanyl Vs Fentanyl Dr Swapnil Pawar
Analgesics Dr Swapnil Pawar
Effects of the sudden and sustained increase in LV Afterload Dr Swapnil Pawar
ART trial created a lot of confusion in intensive care community with regards to use of Lung recruitment in ARDS. In this presentation, I tried to present a comprehensive overview of the use of lung recruitment. As Hippocrates mentioned, it’s time to understand which person has a disease rather what disease a person has.
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Dr Swapnil Pawar June 2, 2018
In this podcast, Dr Daniel Wolpaw & Dr Terry Wolpaw from Penn state talk about a novel concept of Design Thinking and its place in medical education.
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