Blog written by Dr Jose Chacko
Design and setting
The study was conducted over a 7.5-year period between 2013 to 2020 in the Prague region
A single-centre randomized controlled trial
Eligible subjects included adults aged 18 to 65 years receiving ongoing resuscitation for witnessed OHCA of presumed cardiac etiology
Minimum of 5 minutes of advanced cardiac life support without attaining ROSC
ECPR team was available at the cardiac centre
Stratified randomization into 4 strata: men/women; age 45 years or higher vs. less than 45 years. Block size of 8.
Unwitnessed cardiac arrest or underlying cause presumed to be the noncardiac origin
ROSC Attained ROSC within 5 minutes of resuscitation
Patient regained consciousness
Life-limiting comorbidities present
Bleeding diathesis
Do-not-resuscitate order
Prearrest Cerebral Performance Category (CPC) of 3 or greater
Pregnant or likelihood of pregnancy
- Early intra-arrest transport to the hospital using mechanical CPR (LUCAS)
- Patients were directly taken to the cath lab; ECPR if ROSC was not achieved in transit; other interventions were according to European Resuscitation Council guidelines
- ECPR using a femoro-femoral approach
- Intra-arrest intranasal evaporative cooling (available during the early phase of the study)
- Immediate angiographic evaluation and treatment as appropriate
Standard resuscitative interventions
Transport to the hospital if ROSC achieved
Early angiography and treatment
LUCAS could be used
Common to both
Hypothermia to 33C; 36C after the TTM trial
All other care according to the European Resuscitation Council guidelines
Crossover allowed
Standard to invasive: if requested by the emergency physician. At least 2 unsuccessful defibrillation attempts after randomization for crossover to the invasive arm
Invasive to standard if deemed futile
Termination of resuscitative interventions based on guidelines and judgment of the physician
Three sample sizes were calculated for a two-tailed α = .05 and 90% power
10% difference in primary outcome: 571
15% difference in primary outcome: 285
20% difference in primary outcome: 176
Terminated after 256 patients (124 vs. 132) for futility according to the recommendation of the data and safety board
ACS: 52% vs 48%
PE: 10% vs 9%
Myocarditis: 5% vs 2%
VF as initial rhythm: 58% vs 64%
pH: 6.93 vs 7.03
Lactate: 12.5 vs 10.4
TTM: 95% vs. 70%
Angiography: 98% vs. 77% (mostly coronary angiogram)
Successful PCI: 90% vs. 80%
Primary outcome
Survival at 180 days with a CPC 1 (able to work) or 2 neurological status (work in sheltered environment) invasive vs. standard
39/124 patients (31.5%) vs. 29 of 132 patients (22%). OR; 1.63 [95% CI, 0.93 to 2.85]; absolute difference, 9.5% [95% CI, −1.3% to 20.1%]; P = .09)
Secondary outcomes
Survival at 30 d with no requirement for pharmacological or mechanical cardiac support
54/124 patients (43.5%) vs. 45/132 (34.1%)
(odds ratio, 1.49 [95% CI, 0.91 to 2.47]; absolute difference, 9.4% [95% CI, −2.5 to 21%]; P = .12).
Neurological recovery to CPC 1 or 2 at any point within the first 30 d
38/124 patients (30.6%) vs. 24 of 132 (18.2%)
(OR, 1.99 [95% CI, 1.11 to 3.57]; absolute difference, 12.4% [95% CI, 1.9% to 22.7%]; P = .02).
Survival at 180 days
Post hoc subgroup analysis for survival at 180 d with CPC 1 or 2
65 years or more vs. less
Location of cardiac arrest
Initial rhythm
pH below median value vs above
Lactate level below median value vs above
Cause of cardiac arrest
Adverse events
Any bleed: 31% vs. 15%
Fatal bleed: 11% vs. 0%
Intracranial bleed: 22% vs. 20%
Limitations –
Single centre study
Change in management – hypothermia, use of LUCAS
Higher than the expected 10% survival in the standard care group
The crossover was allowed – but this is in tune with real-world care
Summary –
Very well conducted trial which questioned the “one size fits all” approach w.r.t eCPR in all patients with OOHCA.
There is still a place for eCPR in a select subgroup of patients, especially in high volume centres.